Wednesday, May 18, 2011


   World Peace, no war, end poverty and homelessness.  These are a few things that come to my mind when I think of a perfect world.  None of us know or have experienced a perfect world because there is always a problem some where.
   One thing that I think the world needs to be perfect is world peace.  I say we need world peace because people around the world are constantly causing wars, fighting with each other, or causing any type of violence.  Why can't everyone just get along and work together on problems.  This would make the world so much better because countries won't be constantly fighting.  We could actually get along for once.  Countries could put aside their diferences and work together to make peace.  For one day we wouldn't have to be worried about being attacked or attacking a different country.
   Another thing that I think would make the world a better place is ending world hunger and poverty.  This is very important in a peaceful world because 42% of homeless kis are under the age of 6.  Also 13% of the American population lives in poverty.  If we could end this so many people can finally live happy lives.  They won't have to live in boxes anymore or beg for money to by food.  They could get a good job, be successful, and maybe even have a family.  Think about all the people who have been suffering and barely getting by on paying their bills.  We could help them.  One little action can cause a chain reaction.
   These are some things that the world must do to have a peaceful society.  This is the first step in our thousand mile journey.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

MIR (Most Important Rules) Of the NJ ASK

   The biggest standardized testing of the U.S.A. is called the NJ ASK (New Jersey Assessment of skills and knowledge)  Even though this test can be nerve racking and stressful, there are a few things that can help make the NJ ASK less intense for you.
   The first thing to remember about taking the NJ ASK is that you need to get a lot of sleep/rest the night before each testing session.  You need to get at least 10 hrs. and 30 min. of sleep.  You need to be alert and focus when you take the test.  You won't pass if you dose off and fall asleep during the testing session.  Getting the right amount of sleep will help you stay focused and concentrated on your work and you won't fall asleep.
   The second rule to help you take the NJ ASK is have a big, healthy breakfast.  You need to have a good breakfast so you won't get hungry during testing which can take up to 1 hr. and 30 min.  As they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it is.  Studies show that kids who eat bigger healthier breakfasts score better on tests that kids who don't.
   There is still a lot more handy helpers to go.  Number three, if you finish the test early don't sit down and do nothing; go back and check all work until the testing time is over.  This is one of the most important things to do when taking the NJ ASK.  You should go back and check your work if you still have extra time because you never know if you get something wrong unless you go back and look it over.  After you have checked your work you should be very confident in saying that you got a perfect score in that section.  It doesn't kill you you to go back and look over the work you have done.  You should be very confident about what you wrote or answered on the test.
   In my opinion these tips and helpers are every handy to me when I take the NJ ASK or any test.  I hope you these will help you as well.  Happy Testing!!  Good Luck!!


Special Blog Post

It was a regular Friday morning and Tina was getting ready for school.  As Tina and her class settled into the classroom the loud speaker boomed through the school.  Mr. Stroud ,the school principal spoke through the speaker very clearly so that everyone can hear.
"Good morning students of Applewood Middle School.  Next week is going to be very special because we are hosting our 15th annual talent show.  All students who would like to preform must see me or your homeroom teachers for permission slips.  Thank you and have a great day."  Tina couldn't believe what she had just heard.  After coming in 2nd place last year in the talent show and losing to Brianna Nimmo she has been practicing hard everyday counting down the days to the big day.  This year Tina is going to sing in the talent show.  Everyone knows Tina is an outstanding singer, but Brianna is just as good.  Tina wanted to win so badly.  The song she was going to sing is called "Price Tag" by Jessie J.  Tina wanted to sing this song because she loved the rhythm of the music, the lyrics were inspirational and she loved the song.  Tina never payed a lot of attention to the other kids who were preforming because she was to focused on practicing until she satisfies herself.  One thing Tina knew for sure was that Brianna was going to be singing to and it was going to be very hard to beat her.  You would think Tina and Brianna hate each other and have always been rivals.  Shockingly they are actually very good friends who enjoy singing, and competing against each other.  They also never get mad or jealous of each other if one wins and the other doesn't.
After a few anxious days of waiting and practicing it was finally the day before the talent show.  All the students at Applewood Middle School have been talking about who they think is going to win the talent show.  Of course it was between two people Tina and Brianna.  Usually after practicing long and hard Tina and Brianna spend the last day or two looking at their competition if there is any.  Both of them know to much of practicing and preparing isn't always good for you.
The next day Tina was so anxious for school to finish because she has been waiting for the talent show for ever.  As the final bell rang signalling that school was over students started to file out of the building.  More than two dozen students who were competing in the talents show walked together to the auditorium.  As it neared 5:30 the students got ready to preform.  At first the talent show seemed to run very quickly.  When it was almost Tina's turn to preform she spotted Brianna.  They both got together and started chatting.
"So, I never got the chance to ask you what you were doing for the show tonight?" Tina asked
"Oh, well I'm going to sing Price Tag by Jessie J." She replied.
As soon as Tina heard the words she almost passed out because she was so shocked.  Without saying a word Brianna knew the problem.
After a bit of talking the girls fixed their problem and had calmed down.  As Tina's turn edged closer she and Brianna were waiting anxiously.  As the roar of the applauds drifted off Tina took the stage.  Tina knew this was going to be the best talent show ever.  The music started playing and Tina started singing.  A quarter way through the song Brianna came on the stage with so much energy and enthusiasm the crowd was on their feet. The two best friends were singing their favorite song together.  As they sang the final lyrics of the song the crowd broke into applause.
As the two girls walked off stage, Tina said, "I can't wait until next years talent show!!"